Nancy Komlanc opened her business, The Tech Tutor, in September 2017! With a passion for connecting people through technology, and recognizing the need that older adults express for learning how to use technology well, Nancy decided to use her 25 years of experience in adult technology education to address this issue. In her business, she focuses on training adults over the age of 50 on how to use their smart phones and computers in order to connect with their family and friends, function well in this high-tech world, and ultimately keep their independence and improve their overall quality of life! Nancy shares that “These new skills give them more control over their lives, help avoid depression, and keep their brain and memory healthier longer which are the goals of older adults.” Although Nancy tried starting various businesses in the past, she found the help that she truly needed to get her business off the ground with the expert help from Katelyn Hill at the SBDC. She shares that “I have found out the ultra-importance of having a thorough Business Plan. Katelyn Hill, Assistant Director of the McLean County SBDC… patiently walks me step-by-step through the process with lots of great ideas and also helps me to prioritize the tasks that need to be done to get my business up-and-running.” Katelyn has also “shared her marketing expertise, and now I have created my website with 2 Blogs, as well as Facebook and LinkedIn sites that interface together.” As The Tech Tutor continues to grow, Nancy’s “goal is to create a business model and expand my business to Peoria, Champaign, and other markets in Central Illinois by May 2018.” You can learn more about The Tech Tutor, and reach Nancy at her website: www.techtutoril.com, or on social media via Facebook (@TheTechTutorIL).